Dixie’s Gift by Barbara Edwards #Cover reveal #TWRP #AHAShare

Dixie's Gift
Dixie’s Gift

The cover for Dixie’s Gift is a sweet, well-drawn depiction of my dog, Dixie, a beautiful female Belgian Malinois that we adopted. She was my companion and friend for more then ten years before cancer took her.
Everyone who’s lost a beloved pet will understand my sorrow.
I turned the feelings into a short Christmas story of lost love and hope.

Dixie’s Gift is coming soon from The Wild Rose Press.

Blurb: Ellen Carter deeply grieves for her husband Dan, but at least she still has Dixie, her beloved Malinois. However, soon Dixie leaves her too. But the faithful dog cannot rest easy in heaven while her mistress is unhappy. Dixie pleads with the Archangel Michael to let her send help, and intercedes for Ellen in the only way she can. But will Ellen get the message, and more importantly, will she accept Dixie’s gift?

Sexy newcomer Michael Burke can barely take enough time from his successful restaurant for a decent night’s sleep, let alone romance. Still, he is intrigued by the beautiful widow and can’t resist entering her shop. Sparks fly, and when Ellen has an accident in a snowstorm, he comes to her rescue. Trapped by a blizzard and aided by Dixie’s Gift, Ellen and Michael find more than shelter–they find love.

Barbara Edwards
Barbara Edwards

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Author: Barbara Edwards

Riveting Romance with an Edge

16 thoughts on “Dixie’s Gift by Barbara Edwards #Cover reveal #TWRP #AHAShare”

  1. What a great cover! We had a dog that looked very similar to yours (minus the upright ears). I loved that dog and miss her dearly. I’m sorry for your loss. But happy for your new release!


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